Turkey vs. Ahmet Tuna Altınel

During a visit to Turkey, Ahmet Tuna Altınel’s passport was seized. When he inquired as to its whereabouts, he was arrested on suspicion of “propaganda for a terrorist organization,” soon thereafter charged with “membership in a terrorist organization,” and detained for nearly three months.

The Trial of the Peacock Generation Troupe: Myanmar

The Peacock Generation troupe performs thangyat, a traditional form of slam poetry that functions as social criticism. Six out of the seven members were convicted after an April 2019 performance making jokes about the military and criticizing the military’s role in politics.

Morocco v. Hajar Raissouni et al.

At Hajar Raissouni’s trial on charges of non-marital intercourse and abortion, Ms. Raissouni was denied critical rights protected by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, including her right to a hearing before an independent and impartial tribunal.

Thailand v. Does 1-5 of the Organization for Thai Federation

The trial against five individuals for their alleged membership in a “secret society”— the Organization for Thai Federation, which advocates for a republican system of government in Thailand—was marred by serious procedural violations of the right to a fair trial.

Government of Thailand & Chaiwat Limlikhitaksorn v. Wuth Boonlert & Samak Donnapee

Wut Boonlert, an indigenous rights activist, and Samak Donnapee, a retired national park officer, were charged with criminal defamation due to social media posts that, according to the prosecution, suggested a government official was misusing national forest land for private gain.

Russian Federation v. Mikhail Benyash

In December 2018, well-known human rights lawyer Mikhail Benyash was criminally indicted for allegedly assaulting police officers who had arrested him in connection with a protest. The evidence, however, suggested that it was in fact Mr. Benyash who had been assaulted by the police.

El Salvador: The Case Against Evelyn Hernandez

Evelyn Hernandez was prosecuted for aggravated homicide based on an obstetric emergency she suffered while giving birth. Although Ms. Hernandez was acquitted, her retrial was marred by due process violations.

El Salvador: The Case Against Diana

Diana was prosecuted for aggravated homicide in connection with an out-of-hospital delivery. Although the San Salvador court ultimately dismissed the charges against Diana for lack of evidence, the authorities’ conduct throughout the proceedings violated a number of her rights.

Uganda v. Stella Nyanzi

From March to August 2019, the ABA Center for Human Rights monitored the criminal trial of academic and prominent women’s and LGBTQ rights activist Dr. Stella Nyanzi. The prosecution and conviction of Dr. Nyanzi for political speech constituted a violation of her right to freedom of expression.

Turkey v. Veysel Ok

The Clooney Foundation for Justice monitored the trial of Turkish free speech lawyer Veysel Ok, which concluded on September 12, 2019. Mr. Ok was charged with insulting the judiciary for giving a newspaper interview in which he commented on the erosion of judicial independence in Turkey.

Cambodia vs. Uon Chhin and Yeang Sothearin

In 2017, after Radio Free Asia shut down its Phnom Penh operations due to a government crackdown on the media, Cambodia charged the two former RFA journalists with espionage, an offense carrying a sentence of up to 15 years in prison.

Trial Monitoring of Proceedings against Ahmed Manseri

Ahmed Manseri was charged with criminal defamation after filing a complaint against the head of the Tiaret police for assault. The alleged assault occurred in mid-2016, when Mr. Manseri was detained by the police in apparent retaliation for his work as a human rights activist.

Trial Monitoring of Guatemala v. Abelino Chub

Abelino Chub was charged with burning down trees and fields on a plantation operated by Cobra Investments, a banana and palm company located in the Izabal region of Guatemala. While Mr. Chub was ultimately acquitted, his unjustified pretrial detention constituted a gross violation of human rights.

Trial Monitoring of People v. Cansu Pişkin

Cansu Pişkin, a journalist for a Turkey newspaper, was criminally charged with “ma[king] a public servant into a target for terrorist organizations” after she published an online news on April 5, 2018 criticizing the government for its prosecution of student protesters.

Nigeria v. Egbeda 57

The 47 defendants in this case were among a group of 57 men rounded up and arrested at a hotel in Nigeria without a warrant. The men were arrested for alleged same-sex relationships, which is a violation of Nigeria’s 2013 “Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act.”