Advocacy is an integral part of The Docket’s work and is essential to ensure successful legal action as well as long-lasting systemic change.
The Docket uses a combination of advocacy methods to engage with governments, partners, and international and regional legal bodies. All our work is done with the ultimate aim of securing justice for survivors in mind.
But what is “advocacy”? The word is often used by NGOs and civil society about the work they do behind-the-scenes to secure change. The Docket uses a number of advocacy “tools” to assist in its work.
Targeted advocacy
Who are the decision-makers and influencers? How can we reach them to tell them what is happening to people on-the-ground in the countries we investigate? This is what we mean by targeted advocacy.
Public exposure campaigns
We work with the media and other organizations to try to shed light on what is happening for the general public. Sometimes perpetrators of atrocities rely on no-one knowing what is happening to get away with it, and The Docket seeks to change that.
Coalitions with other local or international groups. Our Partners are essential to our work, and we cannot make real change unless we work together.
Legal advocacy
Legal advocacy to develop litigation strategies and provide direct representation to clients.