Russia is using an ever-growing arsenal of laws to shut down any space for discussion or dissent, including its ‘foreign agent’ and ‘undesirable organizations’ laws. TrialWatch has monitored several trials in Russia, including of opposition figures, journalists, lawyers, and activists and is also documenting the broader crackdown on political opposition, journalists, and those who defend the rights of vulnerable, in particular those protesting the invasion of Ukraine.

Between 2019 and 2023, TrialWatch monitored the relentless prosecution of Human Rights Lawyer Mikhail Benyash, who was convicted of assaulting the police, then his conviction was overturned with the TrialWatch Fairness Report having been used by the defense during the appeal. He was, however, tried and convicted again in 2023.
“During the appeal I attached the Trial Watch report and often quoted from it because it’s very well done.”

TrialWatch monitored some of the trials of Russian opposition figure, Alexey Navalny, and the trial of his lawyer, Ivan Pavlov.
Navalny was convicted of slander for criticizing those who appeared in a political video, saying that they were ‘corrupt stooges’ and ‘traitors.’ Not only did this violate his right to freedom of expression, but the trial itself was marred by violations of Mr. Navalny’s fair trial rights.

Ivan Pavlov, well-known for his defense of Aleksey Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, was charged with leaking information to the local press about a former journalist who he was also defending. He was detained just days after the prosecutor’s office announced they wanted to outlaw groups linked to Aleksey Navalny.