In Peru, the misuse of overbroad defamation laws to limit freedom of expression is a well-documented trend. Defamation under Peruvian law is punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment and these laws, which can be invoked by private parties, have been used to threaten, intimidate, and prosecute journalists.

Through our partner the American Bar Association Center for Human Rights, TrialWatch monitored a defamation case against journalist Paola Ugaz, after her reporting exposed sexual abuse in a Catholic lay organization.
Her case highlights the threat to the freedom of expression and freedom of the press that this phenomenon poses and feeds into a wider pattern of criminal defamation cases against journalists around the world. TrialWatch monitored such trials in in Cameroon, Bangladesh and Indonesia.
After issuing a report finding that Paola Ugaz’s trial violated her right to freedom of expression, TrialWatch called for the case against her to be dismissed and in January 2022 she was acquitted.