Impact: Women’s Rights Activist Freed in Uganda

Azerbaijani opposition figure at risk of politicized trial

Impact: ‘Hotel Rwanda’ Figure Freed From Jail

U.N. Body To Consider Russia’s Mass Killing Of Civilians In Ukraine (Forbes)

CFJ Invites Applications for 2nd Year of Fellowship for Women Lawyers in Africa

Report: How Egypt Impedes Lawyers’ Work to Defend Those in Pretrial Detention

Pretrial Detention in Egypt: Through the Eyes of Defense Lawyers

This report by The Clooney Foundation for Justice (CFJ) and the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) highlights the enormous hurdles that defense lawyers in Egypt face in representing individuals in pretrial detention.


NGOs file landmark complaint to UN Human Rights Committee on Russian aggression in Ukraine

La Justicia argentina escucha a víctimas en la causa por crímenes de lesa humanidad de las fuerzas de seguridad venezolanas (El País)

In an Argentine court, Venezuelans testify to alleged crimes against humanity under President Maduro (AP)

CEHRI and CFJ file case in Austria against Russian servicemen for sexual crimes committed in Ukraine

Venezuelan Victims of Grave Human Rights Abuses Testify in a Landmark Hearing in Argentina

TrialWatch and Covington Challenge Kazakh Opposition Figure’s Conviction in Petition to UN

Clooney Foundation Invokes United Nations Over Death of Thai Free Speech Activist Netiporn Sanesangkhom (Variety)