Protected: 1. Reporting
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Protected: “Justice System Failed Us”
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Survivor from Mamre
Bangladesh: Drop Cases Still Pending Under Flawed Cybersecurity Law Repealed in 2018
The Information and Communication Technology Act of 2006: Bangladesh’s Zombie Cyber Security Law
The first whitepaper in a series on Bangladesh’s cyber laws, this report from the Clooney Foundation for Justice’s TrialWatch Initiative and the Centre for Governance Studies calls for the immediate dismissal of cases pending under the repealed Information and Communication Technology Act.
Pakistan defendants face ‘grueling’ legal battles over blasphemy allegations, says new report (VOA)
After More Than 2 Years, Guatemalan Journalist Leaves Prison (The New York Times)
Sofia Heller
Sofia Heller is the Assistant to the Executive Leadership Team at the Clooney Foundation for Justice, supporting the ELT, Chief of Staff, and Communications team. In her role, she is responsible for project management and foundation operations. Prior to joining CFJ, Sofia served as the Development and Communications Program Support Analyst at End Homelessness California,…
Evan Welber Falcón
Evan Welber Falcón is a Legal Program Manager at the Clooney Foundation for Justice’s TrialWatch initiative, where he helps defend the persecuted and challenge laws weaponized against them through trial monitoring, litigation, and advocacy. Evan has used litigation and advocacy to help human rights defenders, journalists, and marginalized communities resist persecution with the Knight First…
Cambodia v. Thach Setha
From mid-2023 through early 2024, the Clooney Foundation for Justice’s TrialWatch initiative monitored two criminal proceedings against Thach Setha, a prominent leader of the main political opposition party in Cambodia. Mr. Setha was arrested and detained by the government shortly after giving a speech critical of the government, ostensibly in relation to forgery charges. He…
The Albies: CFJ Honors Courageous Justice Defenders at Annual Awards
การแก้ปัญหา SLAPPs: การระบและ แก้ปัญหาช่องว่างของกรอบป้องกันการฟ้องคดีปิ ดปากของประเทศไทย
TrialWatch ได้ตรวจสอบคดีอาญาข้อหาหมิ่นประมาทจำนวน 36 คดีในประเทศไทยที่ถูกฟ้องเข้ามาหลัง ประเทศไทยออกมาตรการสองประการเรื่อง “ป้องกันการฟ้องปิดปาก” (anti-SLAPP) ในปี 2562 ข้อค้นพบของรายงานที่ถูกเผยแพร่ในวันนี้ได้เน้นย้ำถึงความจำเป็นอย่างเร่งด่วนในการความคุ้มครองที่มีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้น
Solving SLAPPs: Identifying and addressing gaps in Thailand’s anti-SLAPP framework
The Clooney Foundation for Justice’s TrialWatch Initiative reviewed 36 criminal defamation cases that were brought in Thailand since the 2019 adoption of the existing ‘anti-SLAPP’ rules, concluding that they have failed to curtail abusive cases. You can read our statement here.