Myriam Bribri
TrialWatch helped in taking my case beyond the local Tunisian context and making it more of a regional and international case, This exerted….adverse pressure on the authorities
— Blogger & Activist
Myriam Bribri's defense team used TrialWatch’s Fairness Report at her appeal hearing.

Paola Ugaz
TrialWatch plays an invaluable role for journalists around the world. In my case … the assistance was not only exceptional, but it came at the perfect time.
— Peruvian Journalist
The work of our TrialWatch initiative has led to dozens of defendants being released or having their charges withdrawn.

Omoyele Sowore
When I walked into the courtroom for the first time, somebody stepped up to me and said, '...we're from TrialWatch.' And that was quite uplifting to feel like somebody's in that room representing the outside world, quietly monitoring my trial.
— Nigerian Human Rights Activist
Omoyele Sowore was freed and awarded damages after TrialWatch monitored his trial and published a report on his case.

Isaac Ssemakadde
When we introduce the TrialWatch program we invert the prism, we disrupt the whole justice mechanism, we threaten power, we threaten privilege because they’re not used to working under independent observers.
— Human Rights Lawyer
Our TrialWatch initiative led to innocent people being freed from imprisonment after we exposed their sham trials.

Mikhail Benyash
During the appeal I attached the Trial Watch report and often quoted from it because it’s very well done.
— Human Rights Lawyer
TrialWatch is monitoring multiple cases of lawyers arrested for their work defending the human rights of others.

Brad Smith
It’s a straightforward vision: To make the world a witness to what happens in courtrooms around the world.
— President & Vice Chair of Microsoft
CFJ developed a trial monitoring training course that is available online.

Amal & George
Our foundation is committed to helping to bring to justice the perpetrators of atrocities in Ukraine. Ukrainians demand and have every right to expect their day in court—and to have access to funds to rebuild their lives.
— Co-Founders of CFJ
CFJ works in more than 40 countries. Our impact can be seen every time a journalist is freed, a victim of abuse is compensated or a perpetrator is jailed because of our work.

Anya Neistat
Russian soldiers and Russian commanders are on notice. For now, they think they are invincible – largely because Russian forces have not faced justice for similar crimes in Chechnya, Georgia or Syria. But today there’s a new playbook.
— Legal Director of The Docket
CFJ has shared evidence of war crimes in Ukraine to trigger criminal trials against Russian soldiers and give survivors a chance to seek justice.

Maria Ressa
Amal has helped defend me since 2019, and I’m a rarity for her because she can actually talk to me. In the past, her journalist clients were in prison, and she worked to free them by combining law with an incisive understanding of politics, pragmatism & public advocacy.
— Journalist & Nobel Laureate
CFJ Co-Founder Amal Clooney has successfully freed journalists even in the most challenging legal landscapes.

John Balouziyeh
Deploying monitors to trials sends a powerful message to judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys that the world is watching. I believe CFJ’s course will play a critical role in OHCHR’s monitoring work by ensuring that the deprivation of due process rights does not go unnoticed. This will move us closer to a world where everyone has a fair trial.
— Human Rights Lawyer
CFJ has developed a trial monitoring training course that has been approved by the UN

Darren Walker
George and Amal Clooney are warriors for justice, fighting against inequality, authoritarianism, and all the forces fighting democracy. For those of us who believe in democracy [and] equality, the work of the Clooney Foundation for Justice is essential.
— President of the Ford Foundation & CFJ Board Member
The Albies adds a new dimension to our work, casting a protective spotlight on human rights defenders at risk

Anna Prus
It was overwhelming, the support was great for us, but also for LGBTIQ+ youth to see people coming out and saying that what these people are saying is not okay.
— Rainbow Mary Activist
LGBTQ+ Rights Activists in Poland had their acquittal upheld by an appeals court following TrialWatch monitoring.

Justice Albie Sachs
It’s not enough that we liberate the justice system from its own imperfections, that sense of humanity has to be there. And George and Amal I feel that so strongly in everything that you do.
— Human Rights Activist & Lawyer
The Albies adds a new dimension to our work, casting a protective spotlight on human rights defenders at risk

Dr. Stella Nyanzi
[Thanks to TrialWatch] my case was immediately elevated. And the prosecutors… the magistrate… they should have been on alert to know that someone else other than themselves was monitoring the process and going to give a grade.
— Women's Rights Activist
TrialWatch monitors trials of women’s rights activists all over the world and works to keep them out of jail.

Hajar Raissouni
Through my experience, I think that TrialWatch is important because it documented all events and exposed human rights violations, and this is important for political detainees who are released from prison with nothing but their dignity.
— Moroccan journalist
TrialWatch is now working in more than 40 countries worldwide, monitoring criminal trials and defending the rights of individuals who are unfairly imprisoned.